Here is a summary of our 12/14/24 Annual Meeting:

Video Recording of the meeting. 

Treasurer’s report (Gabe Chu)

  • Expenditures to date were presented
  • Budget for 2025 will need to be approved by the POPA executive committee in early 2025
  • 1 item to note is the increase in litigation line item in anticipation of next year


Updates (Kathy Duda)

  • CBA in effect as of 12.11.24. Protection of telework covered – agreements conveyed with CBA.  CBA expires 2029
    • We do not know for sure what the next administration will do, though we will be prepared to react. Training will be provided for POPA covered employees. POPA will be updating our website to reflect the CBA.
  • Other topics from the past year
    • – helps us make sure you get a response
    • Grievances – file and consult on grievances. Note: a grievance cannot request as a remedy that a SPE be punished.
    • Transfer to another art unit – we can give feedback on the request
    • AADA – representation and consultation on proposed removals and suspensions
    • Regular meetings with agency and patents leadership
    • IT team – regular meetings for POPA feedback, POPA detailees
    • Patents specific: low docket areas, piv card process, GAO audit on examination focus groups, timing pilot (12/15/24 process is interim)
    • White House Summit with other labor unions
    • Awards – gainsharing expected to continue with 2-part award, also will address the 1400 hours reached by EOY situation and the 10K cap
    • Satellite internet pilot – data at mid-year
    • 2 big topics lately to POPAhelp: 1) timing (if examiner thinks they are losing time, write to popahelp with the specifics) and 2) transition, which Richard Hirn will speak more about

Richard Hirn, POPA legal counsel: we are better prepared now than last time; we have a good idea of what is coming.  POPA has been preparing for this for over a year by successfully getting a CBA in place that locks in until 2029.  New administration will issue Executive Orders (EOs) to curtail bargaining rights and protections against adverse and performance-based actions, but CBA supersedes EOs.  Other issues - include schedule F - I have been and will continue to represent POPA’s interests at the Federal Worker’s alliance (consortium of 30 other federal unions), who has been meeting regularly.  Also meeting with other groups to coordinate strategy.  Continued lobbying efforts include: chief lobbyist of the Intellectual Property Owners Assoc, met with Dem staff of Senate Judiciary Committee that handles IP issues and Senate IP subcommittee.  Attended receptions for current and incoming IP subcommittee ranking chairs. Times will be challenging, but POPA is more prepared now that we have the unexpired contract in place.

Reminders (Kathy Duda): please send questions to We will be gradually updating our website, thanks for your patience and thank you for attending today.

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