Good Morning,


For questions, please contact POPA at, do not reply to this email.

The outage continues.  Here is information we have on what is going on.  Feel free to share this info with co-workers who still can’t get onto their UL or the PTOWeb (5,739 as of 3 pm on 7/21).

  • POPA is posting any updates on our website (
  • Management is providing updates on the 411 page which can be accessed at:
  • POPA has been told that upper management is meeting this morning to determine compensation.  All employees who were affected will need time compensation.  Production employees are going to need adjustments as far as due dates and in addition, examiners will need docket management adjustments.  Employees on PIPs, LCAs and maintenance periods are going to need consideration so they are not fired or have further action taken against them.
  • It may take this week to get everyone back up.


The current process for employees who can’t get onto their UL or the PTOWeb is (details in the updates, this is only a quick summary):

  • Employees within 50 miles of the Alexandria headquarters:  make an in-person appointment to come onto campus and have your UL fixed.  The updates provide a list of things you need to bring when you come to the appointment.  Do not just come in without an appointment.
  • Employees on TEAP, 50 mile regional office agreements (not Alexandria) or working at regional offices:  make a virtual appointment to have your UL fixed.
  • In-person help is not available at regional offices at this time.


POPA is aware that appointments are filling fast.  USPTO is adding appointments as they get more technical help.


Here are a couple of articles that might be of interest to employees:


More information is available on our website ( or the agency 411 page.

Please contact POPA at if you have any questions or comments.



Kathy Duda

POPA President

Current rating: 5
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