POPA recommends that you use the S9000 form to document and report issues even though some people have received responses saying that “we have received 10 E-mails from your E-mail address:

SERVICEDESK 9000 — Clarification for the “we have received 10 E-mail messages from your E-mail address” message



A small number of customers may be receiving a message stating that ”10 E-mail messages from your E-mail address have been received by the Service Desk. This is not related to an employee’s email address; it is directly related to the “no-reply@sharepointonline.com” email address that is included in the email message.


Submissions via the new s/9000 form currently include the “no-reply@sharepointonline.com” email address; which in some instances will trigger an automated message to be sent from the “ServiceDesk 9000” email address to all email addresses included on the original email. This occurs only once every 24-hours, and only that single message will receive the response from the system.


The Service Desk has been working with the product support groups involved to prevent these messages from being erroneously sent to customers.


Your submissions via the s/9000 form are not affected by the message and there is no delay associated with the handling of your submission when this message is sent by the system.


We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.


POPA recommends that you use the S9000 form to document and report issues even though some people have received responses saying that “we have received 10 E-mails from your E-mail address”


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