POPA News Feed

We are your voice.

We are your voice.

  • POPA works with PTO management regarding examiner performance and evaluation, workplace health and safety, and many other issues of importance to the examining corps. 
  • POPA will stand with Bargaining Unit members, providing representation in actions and grievances with management. 
  • You are eligible to vote for the leaders of POPA who will represent your interests as an employee in negotiations or in a grievance.
  • You have a voice and a vote in the policies and positions taken by POPA on your behalf.
  • You may participate directly in your Association by becoming an officer or delegate.

Learn more, get candy, speak with a POPA Rep at these events:

  • 11-1 Wed 10/26 – Randolph Concourse

  • 11-1 Thurs 10/27 – Remsen Concourse

  • 11-1 Mon 10/31 – Jefferson Concourse

  • 11-1 Tues 11/1 – Knox Concourse




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