Funeral arrangement information for Robert Budens is available on We understand the service will be available later on-line.
POPA News Feed
Robert D. Budens, past POPA President, passed away on Saturday, October 16, 2021. He is survived by his wife, Marjorie.
POPA has received confirmation that if you need a disability-based reasonable accommodation (RA) for the vaccine mandate due to a medical condition, you should file for a RA using the Accommodation Point website from your work UL ( ).
The early guidance for this vaccine mandate appears to support medical and religious exemptions, for legal reasons. If you are in need of an exemption due to medical reasons, you should file for a reasonable accommodation (RA). You can find a link to the Accommodation Point (where you apply for an RA) and the medical documentation form needed here (see the information in the yellow box.)
As most of you have probably heard by now, President Biden has signed an executive order (EO) requiring federal employees to get vaccinated.